Green Savings Galore: Eco-Friendly Insurance and Driving Hacks to Cut Costs

Being eco-friendly can save you not just Mother Earth but save you a pretty penny at the same time. With gas prices fluctuating so much over the last few years for so many reasons, what are people to do about this situation? Explore some eco-friendly driving tips and insurance tips to help you make it through these difficult times. 

Changing Your Driving Habits Can Save You Money and Help the Environment 

With a little discipline, you’ll find yourself making a positive impact on the environment and saving money. The less you stop, the more fuel-efficient you’ll be. Maintenance and eco-friendly upgrades can also make a big difference to your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. 

Plan Your Route 

Optimizing your route not only helps you get to your destination quickly, but it also reduces traffic congestion. Plan out your route ahead of time and fill up in advance so that you never have to stop and waste valuable minutes. Look for places with discounted prices as well.

Drive The Speed Limit 

The speed limit is 55 mph. Exceeding this speed limit can increase your risk of getting into an accident. Speeding also wastes fuel and can cut your gas mileage by as much as 14 percent, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). 

Say Goodbye To Idling 

Idling is another common culprit when it comes to gas mileage and vehicle emissions, causing you to waste fuel while your car is parked. To reduce idling, make sure to turn off your car whenever you’ve stopped for more than 30 seconds. You can also only use drive-thrus when necessary. If the line is long, park your car and walk inside as an alternative. Another option to prevent idling is to turn off your engine in traffic.

Less Is More When It Comes to Weight

The lighter the car, the less fuel it will use. Anything in your vehicle that you don’t need to have there is just adding weight to your vehicle. This means that the more weight you have in your car, the more fuel will be consumed while driving. It is smart to always remove any unnecessary items from your vehicle. If you think about it, this could save you a lot of money as gas prices are forever increasing and anything which reduces consumption is only going to help your pocket. 

Newer Cars Are Often Better Than Older Cars 

If you want the latest features and technologies, then you’ll want a car that’s less than five years old. Manufacturers now offer options such as blind-spot monitoring systems and multi-view cameras. They can help make parking safer and easier and reduce the likelihood of expensive dents and scratches. 

Consider A Hybrid Or Electric Car For Your Next New Vehicle 

Most manufacturers have some type of hybrid or electric car available. Hybrid vehicles use a combination of gasoline and battery power. Electric cars only have one source of power with no backup, so they need to be plugged in overnight or at work during the day if you don’t have enough range for daily commuting needs. 

Being Eco-Friendly Saves Money And Protects The Environment 

How can you become more eco-friendly and save money at the same time? Here are a few tips to get you started. Consolidate your trips and plan your route. Carpooling with friends or coworkers can be a great way to save money and reduce emissions.

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